College, Career, and Military Readiness

  • CCMR


    Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Data Download

    The TAPR Data Download link will be made available on the 2022-23 Texas Academic Performance Report page this month. It will provide the TAPR Data Download for users wishing to download data for all campuses, districts, or education service centers (ESC) in the state. Once downloaded, users will be able to manipulate the data using a spreadsheet or software program. Examples of software to manipulate TAPR data include Microsoft Excel, Number for Mac, Open Office, Statistical Analysis System (SAS), Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Tableau, and Microsoft Power BI.


    CCMR Accountability Data Sources One-Pager from TEA


    A-F Accountability Delayed


    To the Administrator Addressed (TAA): Delay in 2023 A-F Academic Accountability Ratings

    Tuesday, September 12, 2023, the agency released a To The Administrator Addressed Correspondence to inform local educational agencies (LEAs) about a delay in the issuance of the final rule for the accountability manual and a delay in the issuance of 2023 A–F Accountability Ratings. The agency will conduct analyses of 2022-23 statewide growth data and the growth data for the 2018-19 and 2021-22 school years used to inform cut scores in Domain 2a-Academic Growth and Domain 3-Closing the Gaps.


    The TAA also included a summary of the only other changes being made for the final rule — incorporating changes to AEA STAAR methodology, the Student Achievement: STAAR Only component of Domain 3, the English Language Proficiency component of Domain 3, and school improvement identification.


    Texas Accountability Advisory Group (TAAG) and ESC Advisory Group (EAG) Meetings held September 19 and 20, 2023

    The objective of these meetings was to share the recent TAA announcement (see below), recall previous conversations about the A—F refresh, review 2023 growth data, and gather Advisory Group feedback on potential changes to the 2023 Academic Growth (D2A) and Closing the Gaps (D3) cut points and targets. The next steps are to finalize the targets and cut points, incorporate these changes into the Final 2023 Accountability Manual, submit the manual to adopt into the rule, and announce the A—F release dates with at least two weeks of notice.


    The TAAG Meeting Presentation and Notes can be found on the 2023 Accountability Development Materials page. For questions or assistance regarding the information in this section, call the Performance Reporting Division at 512-463-9704 or email  



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