
  • Salad bar

At- Risk Afterschool Key Requirements

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  • Mindful Eating





    What is mindful eating?

    According to Harvard, "mindful eating means being fully attentive to your food - as you buy, prepare, serve and consume it".

    This infographic from the American Heart Association shows easy ways to incorporate mindful eating into your day. 

Did You Know?

  • The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Input Workgroup is a group of CACFP sponsors and independent centers that provides input to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) on the impact of policies and procedures related to CACFP. TDA’s goal is to ensure that workgroup members represent a broad and diverse selection of CACFP sponsors; therefore, membership selection is based on criteria such as organization type, sponsorship size, location, and sponsor type. Members of the CACFP Input Workgroup represent the perspective of their CACFP colleagues and serve as liaisons for CACFP sponsors and contracting entities to address issues with TDA during the workgroup meetings. More information regarding the Input Workgroup can be found at

  • This product was funded by USDA/TDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.