CACFP Overview

  • Boy laying in green grass with orange slices covering his eyes

    The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child care centers, daycare home providers, and adult daycare centers for part of the cost associated with serving more than 400,000 approved meals and snacks to children and adults in Texas every day. 

    The goal of the CACFP is to improve and maintain the health and nutritional status of children and adults, promote the development of good eating habits, and integrate nutritious food services with an organized child and adult daycare services.

    For more information on how to participate in CACFP, visit - New Applicants page.

Why Choose to be on CACFP

2022-2023 Training

CACFP Contacts

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  • This product was funded by USDA/TDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.