Advisory Boards
  • Perkins V Advisory Council Guidelines

    An advisory council may be funded under the grant program. Only the following types of advisory councils are allowable:

    • The advisory council includes parents, representatives of business and industry (including small businesses), and to the extent possible, labor organizations, higher education representatives and faculty, administrators, representatives of special populations, CTE and academic teachers, students, and community partners; and 
    • The role of the advisory council is to participate in the design, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs, including establishing effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation in CTE programs.

     How might you engage an Advisory Council? 

    • CTE Program-wide Advisement-  Collaborate to look at CTE data, evaluate local Labor Market needs compared to CTE offerings, evaluate processes such as recruiting and IBC student preparation, guide investment into Career and Technology Student Leadership Organizations, and explore Work-based Learning opportunities and program expansions.
    • Pathways Specific advisement- Provide professional expertise in careers the pathway prepares students for.  Advise leadership and teachers, mentor students, engage in career presentations and possible tours, externships, and work-based learning partnerships. 
    • Invite Industry Experts to join in the Calibrate Skills Gap Analysis. If you have industry experts in any of the following Programs of Study, recommend them to participate via this survey. (One expert/survey submission.)

     list of Programs of Study

    • Industry Advisory Boards should be a continuous improvement piece of your programs.  They can assist with your CLNA.  They can help guide your goals for your Perkins V Application.