Exhibitor Opportunities

  • Exhibitor Application

    Platinum Level - $1,500 (Sold Out)
    Platinum exhibitors will be placed in one of the large spaces with access to a large screen for presentations. Visual and Verbal recognition as a top level exhibitor.  Company logo on badges and other print media.  Verbal recognition at the opening keynote.  First preference of time slot for session presentation and will be a featured presentation on the conference digital platform.  Platinum exhibitor logos will also be printed on the 30-foot conference banner.

    Platinum exhibitors may use up to 5 of our provided 5' tables for their exhibitor area (if needed).  A large screen will be made available in all Platinum areas for use by the exhibitor.  Electricity and internet (wifi) access is also provided at no charge.

    Gold Level - $1,000 
    Visual recognition throughout the event.  Company logo on all digital materials.  Company logo on major print materials.  Guaranteed session and choice of time slot will be given after platinum level session requests.  Gold level exhibitors will be recognized as a lunch provider.

    Gold level exhibitors may use up to 3 of our provided 5' tables for their exhibitor area (if needed).  Electricity and internet (wifi) access is also provided at no charge.

    Silver Level - $750 
    Visual recognition throughout the event.  Company logo on digital materials.  Company name on major print materials.  Silver level exhibitors will be recognized as a breakfast provider.

    Silver level exhibitors may use up to 2 of our provided 5' tables for their exhibitor area (if needed).  Electricity and internet (wifi) access is also provided at no charge.

    Exhibitor Application