Private Schools
ESC Region 11 provides professional development, technical assistance, and management of educational programs to 160 private schools.
A private school is a school that is run independently from government and receives no funding from the public. Private schools get most of their funds through tuition paid per student.
However, the law requires that eligible students and teachers at eligible private schools also receive access to equitable services of those programs and services provided by the district. Through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), federal grant funding is made available every year to serve students who meet certain criteria, such as economically disadvantaged. Those grant funds are awarded to TEA, which administer the funds directly to local education agencies.
The term “private school equitable services” refers to the process of providing students, teachers, staff, and families at eligible private schools fair access to federally funded education programs and services, as appropriate. The process depends on a “timely and meaningful consultation” between LEAs and those of eligible private schools. However, federal funds may not be awarded or paid to the private school.