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Education Service Center Region 11 logo

Education Service Center Region 11 (ESC Region 11, ESC R11), centrally located west of Fort Worth, Texas, is one of 20 education service centers (ESCs) established by the Texas State Legislature in 1967.

Regional ESCs support local districts in attaining the missions, goals, and objectives set forth by the Texas Education Agency

As a service organization and intermediary educational agency, ESC Region 11 provides professional development, technical assistance, and management of educational programs to 76 public school districts, 17 public charter schools, 105 charter campuses, and 160 private schools. We serve a total of 597,543 students and 79,027 educational personnel.

ESC Region 11 is also a statewide leadership network that provides technical assistance, resources, and training for the Special Education Specialized Supports Grant to any local education agency (LEA) in the state.

With an area covering ten counties of North Texas, Region 11 services an area of 7,843 square miles, roughly equal to the size of Massachusetts. School districts in this region range in size from large metropolitan districts with 140 schools to small rural districts with only one building housing multiple grade levels.

The ESC Region 11 Executive Summary is an at-a-glance view of who and how we serve the Region 11 area.