Services (A-Z)
At ESC Region 11, we are dedicated to empowering educators and their communities by providing a wide range of services and programs designed to foster success in education and professional growth.
Whether you are an administrator seeking guidance to support your educational community, a one-person business office needing tools to do more with less, or a teacher looking for professional development, we have resources tailored to meet your needs.
Browse our services to discover how we can help you achieve your goals!
- Academy Support and Instructor Training Center (Cisco Academy)
- Additional Days School Year (ADSY)
- Administrative Services and Support
- Advanced Academics (Gifted/Talented)
- Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL)
- Appraisal and Evaluation Services
- ASCENDER Business Support (passkey required)
- ASCENDER Student Support (passkey required)
- Assessment and Accountability
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Canvas
- Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
- Career and Technical Education (CTE and CCMR)
- Careers with Region 11
- Certification Programs
- Chapter 37
- Charter Schools
- Child Find (Timely Initial Evaluation)
- Child Nutrition
- Cisco Academy (Academy Support and Instructor Training Center)
- Communications and Marketing Division
- Community-Based Support Services
- Connect2Texas
- Continuous Improvement
- Contracts
- Crucial Learning®
- Early Childhood Special Education (ESCE)
- Early Childhood (PreK – Grade 2)
- Eduphoria
- English Language (EL) Support (English as a Second Language (ESL)/Bilingual)
- English, Language Arts and Reading (ELAR)
- eSports
- Payroll Services
- Planning and Performance Management
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
- Principal Certification (GoLead11)
- Principal Synergy Network (PSN) and Assistant Principal Learning Collaborative (APLC)
- Print Shop
- Private Non-Profit Cooperative School Services
- Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS)
- Purchasing
- School Board Training/Lone Star Governance
- School Boards
- School Contracts (by school)
- School Districts
- School Safety and Security
- Science and STEM
- Science of Reading
- Secondary Transition
- Section 504
- Significant Cognitive Disabilities
- School Nutrition Programs (SNP)
- Social Studies
- Special Education Evaluation
- Special Events and Awards
- Special Programs
- Speech Language Pathology (SLP)
- Sponsorships
- State Performance Plan Technical Assistance
- STEAM Carnival
- Strong Foundations
- Student Learning Objectives (SLO)
- Subscribe to News
- Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
- Superintendent Certification (GoLead11)
- Superintendents' Corner (passkey required)
- Systems Status Page
- Teacher Certification (GoTeach11)
- Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
- Teaching and Learning
- Technology Resources Education Consortium (TREC)
- Technology Services Division
- TEKS Resource System
- TEKSbank
- Texas EcosySTEM
- Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL)
- Texas Lesson Study (TXLS)
- Texas Strategic Leadership (TSL)
- The REACH Project (McKinney-Vento)
- Transportation (Bus Driver Training)
For a customized breakdown of our services by department, visit the Our Divisions page.