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School Safety & Security Summit

Safety and Security Summit feature

The 4th Annual School Safety & Security Summit will be held onsite May 2, 2025.Join us as experts from across the country share their knowledge on physical and cybersecurity issues that threaten our districts daily at our 2025 School Safety and Security Summit.

The one-day conference, held at ESC Region 11, will feature keynote and breakout sessions to allow you to choose your learning throughout the day. Vendors will also be on hand to showcase their products and solutions for our attendees.

Call for Proposals

Interested in presenting at the 2025 School Safety & Security Summit? Please fill out this form to submit your presentation proposal. Breakout sessions will last 45 minutes.

Sponsorship Levels

Are you interested in sponsoring our event? Explore our sponsorship packages and find the perfect way to get involved today.

Platinum - $1,500

Platinum exhibitors will be situated in a premium, spacious area with access to a large screen for presentations. They will receive both visual and verbal recognition as top-tier exhibitors, including their company logo displayed on attendee badges and other event print materials. Platinum exhibitors will also be acknowledged during the opening keynote.

As a Platinum exhibitor, you'll have first choice of time slots for your session presentation, and your presentation will be featured on the conference’s digital platform. Additionally, your logo will be prominently displayed on the 30-foot conference banner.

You may utilize up to five 5' tables in your exhibitor area, if needed, and a large screen will be provided in all Platinum spaces for your use.

Complimentary electricity and Wi-Fi access will also be available.

Gold - $1,000

Gold exhibitors will receive prominent visual recognition throughout the event, with their company logo featured on all digital materials and major print materials. You’ll also be guaranteed a session slot, with your preferred time selected after Platinum-level exhibitors have made their choices. Additionally, Gold exhibitors will be recognized as a lunch provider during the event.

You may use up to three 5' tables in your exhibitor space, if needed, and a large screen will be available for use.

Complimentary electricity and Wi-Fi access are also included.

Silver - $750

Silver exhibitors will receive visual recognition throughout the event, with their company logo featured on digital materials and their company name listed on major print materials. Silver exhibitors will also be recognized as a breakfast provider during the event.

You may use up to two 5' tables in your exhibitor area, if needed, and complimentary electricity and Wi-Fi access will be provided.

If you'd like to contribute at a level higher or lower than what's listed, we welcome your support in helping us make this event the best it can be for our attendees.

Become a Sponsor

For questions regarding sponsorships, please contact Nancy Copeland at