School Safety & Security
The School Safety and Security Department at the Education Service Center Region 11 provides districts and schools with relevant training, technical assistance, and resources to improve all aspects of district and campus security.
Providing safe and secure campuses is a paramount priority for districts.
School safety encompasses responsibilities related to Intruder Detection Audits (IDAs), District Vulnerability Assessments (DVAs), Threat Assessments, and Emergency Management & Preparedness. Our department also supports the statewide implementation of the Sentinel system in addition to overseeing the regional IDA program.
Professional Learning Opportunities
The Education Service Center Region 11 safety team offers the following training/exercises:
For more information regarding training needs, please contact Bradley Berry, Director of School Safety and Security, at
School Safety Services and Resources
Legislative Mandates
District Vulnerability Assessments (DVAs), Intruder Detection Audits (IDAs), Sentinel Technical Assistance, Threat Assessments
Emergency Management & Preparedness
Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) and Handle with Care
School Safety Helpful Links
Links to local, regional and state resources about safety and security