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TxTracts Logo

ESC Region 11 is pleased to introduce TxTRACTS, an exciting solution that supports ASCENDER by streamlining the data import/export process with ASCENDER and third-party publishers.

TxTracts complements ASCENDER by adding functionality that districts request from their tech and support personnel. A single application runs on a server or computer with secure access to all hosted ASCENDER databases. ESC or district personnel manage extracts, imports, and reports from the web portal.

Data Extraction

» Dynamic Application Extract Creation
» Email Error Log
» District Approval/Verification System
» Customization of Data Formats
» Nightly/Hourly Custom Updates
» Standardized Organization of Extract Files

Data Imports

» Data Validation on Incoming Data
» Logging of Changes Within ASCENDER and Change Log
» Nightly Updates


» One-time or nightly Reporting
» Secure Access to Reports (coming soon)

To access or view the setup of the TxTracts application:

District Pricing

Base Plan
ADA Yearly Cost
1-200  $   500.00
201-500  $   750.00
501-1000  $ 1,000.00
1001-2000  $ 1,500.00
2001-3500  $ 2,000.00
3501+  $ 2,500.00
# of Extracts Yearly Cost
Tier 1: 1-5   $    Included with Base
Tier 2: 6-10  $     250.00
Tier 3: 11-15   $     500.00
Tier 4: 16-20  $     750.00
Tier 5: 21-25  $  1,000.00
Tier 6: 26+   $  1,250.00
# of Imports Yearly Cost
Tier 1: 1-5  $     250.00
Tier 2: 6-10 $     500.00
Tier 3: 11-15  $     750.00
Tier 4: 16-20 $  1,000.00
Tier 5: 21-25 $  1,250.00
Tier 6: 26+  $  1,500.00

Place an Order

To order TxTracts, please fill out the order form.

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about TxTRACTS, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Joey Brindle

Data Services Coordinator