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PEIMS Submissions

PEIMS data is collected four times each school year. The submissions are:

  • Submission 1 - Fall snapshot data, including student leaver
  • Submission 2 - Mid-year data (prior year financial actual)
  • Submission 3 - Summer data (school year attendance, discipline, course completion)
  • Submission 4 - Extended year data (summer data) when applicable to the LEA

Fall snapshot data, including student leaver

Mid-year data (prior year financial actual)

Summer data (school year attendance, discipline, course completion)

Extended year data (summer data) when applicable to the LEA

Related Resources

  • Audit Red Flags (April 2024)
  • ASCENDER Program Codes For TEA (April 2024)
  • IBC TWEDS (October 2024)


Fall snapshot data, including student leaver

Mid-year data (prior year financial actual)

Summer data (school year attendance, discipline, course completion)

Extended year data (summer data) when applicable to the LEA