Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS)
ESC Region 11 provides Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) support to all school districts in the region. Additional PEIMS Data Quality Services (PDQS) are provided by district contract.
PEIMS encompasses all public education data requested and received by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information. This data collection system includes:
- Student Information - Enrollment, demographics, attendance, course completion, and graduation details.
- Teacher and Staff Information - Demographics, assignments, and certifications.
- Financial Data - Budget, revenue, and expenditure details of school districts.
- Program Participation - Data on participation in special programs such as bilingual education, special education, gifted and talented programs, and career and technical education.
- School and District Characteristics - Information about the physical and operational characteristics of schools and districts.
PEIMS data is used for various purposes, including funding allocation, accountability measures, and policy-making. The system ensures consistent data reporting across all public schools in Texas. The collection of PEIMS data is required of all Local Education Agencies (LEAs) by TEC §48.009.