Library Services
Library Services is committed to serving the needs of school librarians, their administrators, and faculty through ongoing workshops that are offered to support efforts in improving student performance, building effective and efficient use of library resources, and implementation of state and federal initiatives.
ESC Region 11 supports the changing role of the school librarian by offering customized professional development that is designed to meet the specific needs of the school library professional and paraprofessional in developing exemplary school library programs as outlined in the Texas School Library Standards and Guidelines. Professional development is planned in collaboration with the school personnel and incorporates the State Board of Educator Certification Standards for School Librarian.
Library Services also offers Technology Resources Education Consortium (TREC), a multi-regional school education consortium that provides data automation systems for member schools as an economical alternative to expensive conversions. TREC member benefits include hosted services, ongoing training and support, access to an eBook catalog, and more.