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Celebrating 20 years of impacting student success, Connect2Texas is a network of Texas-based educational content providers that includes museums, authors, and cultural, historical, and scientific organizations. Our mission is expanding knowledge and stimulating curiosity by engaging learners in dynamic, content-rich, virtual encounters with educational experts.

Saddle up and get ready to experience virtual content enhancement programs from the Lone Star State!Our providers utilize interactive videoconferencing to deliver live educational programs and professional development to school children and educators nationwide. Bring the scientists, experts, and authors directly to your students without leaving the classroom!

Connect2Texas Providers

Connect2Texas logo

Connect2Texas has a variety of Texas-based content enrichment providers.

Select from the list of Pre-K-12 virtual content enrichment programs below to read more about the organization and what they have to offer via distance learning.

Want to learn even more? Get weekly updates by joining our Connect2Texas listserv. Sign up here! (Weekly updates are emailed on Thursdays.)

You can also go straight to the Connect2Texas website and select "Events" to see more upcoming programs. Please note, some providers offer programs by request only. Contact the provider to make those arrangements in advance.

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about Connect2Texas, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s) or email

Lori Hamm-Neckar

Distance Learning Program Manager