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Crucial Conversations for Accountability

Crucial Conversations for Accountability

Managing performance is more than a process—it’s about people.

Effective performance management isn’t done with software and tools. It’s accomplished by respectfully addressing your people’s behavior routinely and consistently. It’s about candidly coaching through challenges and holding people accountable for lapses in behavior. It’s about identifying goals, fast-tracking careers, and in the process, improving your people and your bottom line.

These are dialogue skills—the difficult kind that may not come naturally, but when learned, mean the difference between managing people and managing process.

When people at all levels of the organization have the skills to hold peers accountable, they’re better at correcting performance problems, preventing potential disasters, and preserving and strengthening relationships.

Upcoming Courses

  • December 1-2, 2024
  • February 10-11, 2025

Register for any of our courses at Professional Learning or contact Jennifer Baadsgaard at or 817-740-7640 for more information on a course given at your location.

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