TEKS Resource System
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Resource System (TRS) is a systematic K-12 curriculum model designed, maintained, and continuously developed by a collaborative of Education Service Center personnel and exemplary educators from Texas school districts.
TRS provides a shared language, structure, and process for curriculum development via an easy-to-use online software delivery system. The curriculum model aligns the written, taught, and tested curriculum and is inclusive of research and best practices mentioned in the works of such notable researchers as Drucker, Deming, English, Wiggins, Erickson, Guskey, Marzano, Feuerstein, and Jacobs. All curriculum documents, resources, and assessment items are aligned to the TEKS.
ESC Region 11 delivers supports to TRS districts that include:
- Workshops by content area, grade level, and six-week timeframes
- Onsite technical assistance
- District planning and implementation
- Customized services
What is the TCMPC TEKS Resource System?
The Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative, or TCMPC, is a shared service agreement between the 20 Educational Service Centers (ESCs) in Texas. This shared service agreement, or SSA, allows participating ESCs to share responsibility for the management and operations of the online curriculum management systems known as the TEKS Resource System and Texas Curriculum Resources. The TCMPC reflects the combined effort of the ESCs to help schools improve student performance and operate more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Professional Learning Opportunities
For the latest TEKS Resources workshops offered by the Education Service Center Region 11, visit our Professional Learning website.