The ESC Region 11 Planning, Implementation, and Content Support (PICS) Team provides support and services including consultation and best-fit analysis, product training, coaching, lesson and unit internalization, and full grant cycle support.
Our team is here to help if your district is considering high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and open educational resources (OER) or is looking to develop a vision for your content area instruction.
Professional Learning Opportunities
We offer a vast catalog of professional development, grounded in Research-Based Instructional Practices (RBIS), which are tailored to meet the needs of your district.
Education Service Center Region 11 is an authorized provider for both planning and implementation grants. We can also help you identify grants that are available from the TEA to support your district in this work.
Services and Support
- High-Quality Intructional Materials (HQIM) & Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS)
- Strong Foundations Grant
- Texas Curriculum Resources (TCR)
High-Quality Intructional Materials (HQIM) & Open Educational Resources (OER)
Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS)
Strong Foundations Grant
Texas Curriculum Resources (TCR)
Get In Touch
For more information about HQIM/OER or Strong Foundations, please email the PICS Team at picsteam@esc11.net or reach out to a team member directly below:
- Heather Ward, Coordinator, TCR/OER Strong Foundations Lead, hward@esc11.net, 817-740-7621
- Kellie Conlon, TCR/OER Program Manager, kconlon@esc11.net, 817-740-7721
- Angela Cathey, TCR/OER Program Specialist, acathey@esc11.net, 817-740-3672
- Lindsay Carrier, HQIM/OER Specialist, lcarrier@esc11.net, 817-740-7755