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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

MTSS diagram

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a unique way of organizing systems of processes and procedures that allows Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to create prevention, enrichment, and intervention opportunities for all children, whole child through:

  • authentic collaborative and active engagement with parents and community members.
  • building strong school leadership through intentional planning.
  • developing effective, well-supported teachers through professional development, coaching and mentoring.
  • creating a positive school/district culture design with compelling and aligned vision, mission, goals, and values; explicit behavioral expectations and management systems; and responsive student support services.
  • providing a high-quality curriculum that is designed provides opportunities for teachers to collaborate on instructional materials, data, differentiation, etc., to build stronger, Universal (Tier 1)  instruction for all children.
  • ensuring effective instruction through the fidelity of objective-driven daily lessons, classroom routines, and formative assessments yield the data necessary for teachers to reflect, adjust, and deliver instruction that meets each student's needs.

When strong systems are in place, it keeps learning constant and time-variable while meeting all children's needs, the whole child. When the systems are strong and sustainable, all teachers' needs, the whole teacher are also met.

The goal of MTSS is to ensure all children are ready to enter college, a career, or the military when they complete their pre-K-12 educational journey. Each step of this journey helps the next step in transforming a child into a scholar.

In a strong and sustainable MTSS Framework, the mental well-being, academic, and behavior needs of the student are taken into consideration at each level of Instruction: Universal (Tier 1), Targeted (Tier 2), and Intensive (Tier 3). To support this approach, strong collaboration and collective responsibility must happen at every level. Communication, collaboration, and collective responsibility are vital in sustaining an MTSS Framework. 

Processes Within MTSS Framework

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ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about MTSS, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Gary Alderson

Project Manager - Strategic Integrated Liaison

Dr. Elisabeth Ivy

MTSS and Behavior Support Team Lead

Annissa Macon

Special Programs Coordinator