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Low Incidence Disabilities (LID)

classroom teacher and student doing sign language

At ESC Region 11, we seek to support educators and families of students with complex access needs with effective, evidence-based tools and strategies to help them on their journeys filled with increased connection, access and opportunities.

We believe students with complex access needs (LID) or significant cognitive disabilities can be educationally successful when given appropriate instructional supports.

By Definition

The United States Department of Education (USDE) defines low incidence disabilities a “visual or hearing impairment or simultaneous visual and hearing impairments, a significant cognitive impairment or any impairment for which a small number of personnel with highly specialized skills and knowledge are needed in order for children with that impairment to receive early intervention services or a free and appropriate education” (FAPE). IDEA Section 662, 20 U.S.C. § 1462 (c)(3)

The TEA further defines a significant cognitive impairment as “a student who exhibits significant intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits in their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and also indicates adaptive behavior deficits that limit their ability to apply social and practical skills such as personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing, eating, using money, and other functional skills across life domains; is not identified based on English learner designation or solely on the basis of previous low academic achievement or the need for accommodations; and requires extensive, direct, individualized instruction, as well as a need from substantial supports that are neither temporary nor specific to a particular content area.

Technical Assistance and Training Opportunities

Region 11 offers staff development and technical assistance to support local education agencies (LEA) in the area of low incidence disabilities and the assistive technology (AT) often used by this population of students.

Staff development topics related to the instruction of students with low incidence disabilities include updates to state and federal regulations and/or guidelines, instructional strategies and evidence-based practices, educational and instructional resources, and current research.

Technical assistance may include support in Active Learning, coaching, classroom support, identifying and/or assessing students' individualized needs. PLAAFP and goal writing for IEPs etc. Technical assistance may include support or guidance through AT evaluation process and AT recommendations.

Join our mailing list to request assistance. For information about ongoing professional development opportunities for CAN, view the ESC Region 11 online workshop catalog.

Resources for LID

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about Complex Access Needs, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Susan Key

Special Education Specialist - Students with Intensive Needs