Inclusive Services
The Inclusion in Texas Network works in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to build a statewide culture of high expectations for students with disabilities and to significantly improve academic and functional outcomes for students served by special education.
Our goal is to build school district capacity to develop and appropriately implement instructional programs that provide meaningful access to inclusive environments and grade-level standards, where appropriate. Our region-wide professional development, customized training, and individualized technical assistance allow us to guide districts and charter schools in meeting the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
Areas of Support
Our Inclusive Services consultants offer support in the following areas:
- Developing and supporting inclusive environments
- Developing and supporting collaborative relationships between educators
- Utilizing instructional best practices and strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners
- Classroom, campus, district, and statewide assessment requirements as it relates to accommodating the needs of students with disabilities.
Professional Learning Opportunities
If you would like to schedule professional development or need support with special education inclusive services, please contact us. We are here to assist you and encourage you to partner with ESC Region 11 to ensure all Texas students receive instruction in the Texas Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with appropriate modifications, accommodations, and supports.
Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (SB IEP) Process Training
SB IEP Process Training focuses on developing present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) development based on student data; drafting annual goals (educational and practical) and objectives, if appropriate; and collecting data for reporting progress. Participants will understand the importance of these components and how their alignment results in a proper and ambitious individualized education program for students receiving special education and related services. The intended audience for this training is special education teachers, related service providers, and other professional staff members responsible for drafting a student's EP, including present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and measurable annual goals. This training was created by the Child Find, Evaluation, and ARD Support Statewide Technical Assistance Network in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency with state and federal grants.
Register for Upcoming SB IEP Process Trainings
Have a professional development request? Fill out our Service Request Form.