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Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is a state and federally-mandated program for young children with disabilities ages 3-5. Children who meet eligibility criteria may receive Early Childhood Special Education services in various settings such as a pre-kindergarten classroom, in the home, or community settings such as Head Start and preschool.

Professional Learning Opportunities

The ESC Region 11 ESCE team provides professional development and on-site support for early childhood staff working with three to five-year-old children with disabilities. To get the latest information, sign up for our newsletter by visiting the Subscribe to News page and selecting Early Childhood Special Education news.

ESCE Resources

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about ESCE, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Emily Groomer

Early Childhood Special Education Specialist
ECSE resources banner

Inclusion in early childhood programs can set a trajectory for inclusion across the life course, making it critical that we include individuals with disabilities in all facets of society from birth.