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Community-Based Support Services

Non-educational Community-Based Support Services funding is annually made available to school districts for the provision of non-educational community-based support services to eligible students with disabilities and their families so that those students may receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment according to the Texas Education Code §29.013.

The appropriated funds help families of certain students with disabilities care for their children and to help them better cope with having an individual with a disability at home.

ESC Region 11 provides technical assistance to LEAs interested in applying for non-educational funds and will attend CRCG meetings and/or conduct training for CRCG members, upon request.

The intent of the state legislature is for local education agencies (LEAs) to provide services that are unallowable purchases with education funds, to help families care for their students, and to enable families to better cope with having an individual with a disability at home. Funding is intended for the provision of periodic, short-term non-educational services for students receiving special education services who, without the provision of non-educational community-based support services, would remain or would have to be placed in residential facilities for educational reasons.

These funds may not be used for:

  • Educational services that can be provided through the student's IEP as a part of their educational program;
  • Services provided while students are in residential placement; or
  • Intensive or long-term care services.
Non-educational Funding Application Procedures
Only school districts may apply for these funds. Application for funding is a local district decision and is strictly voluntary. Parents wishing to access services may NOT directly apply for these funds and should contact their child’s school to request a meeting to discuss the need for non-educational services. Access to non-educational community-based support services funding may not be considered by an ARD committee in the development of an IEP.  
  • Applications must be completed electronically (typed), under the direction of an administrator with the authority to expend district funds.
  • The application may not be completed by service providers, parents, or community agencies.
  • LEAs should plan on at least 30 days to process an application for non-educational funds.
  • The completed application must have the following signatures before submission to ESC Region 11 for review
    • Superintendent of single-member district/ Chief Educational Officer (CEO); or
    • Superintendent from the fiscal agent district for the special education Shared Service Arrangement;
    • Community Resource Coordination Group (CRCG) chairperson or designee.
  • Applications for services to be provided during the current school year may be submitted to ESC Region 11 through October of the current school year. Applications submitted after October will be considered for critical needs funding based on available funds and according to the following priorities.
    • New students returning from residential placements for educational reasons
    • Students at-risk for residential placement for educational reasons
    • Additional funding for students currently receiving services from this funding source
Non-educational Funding Application and Reimbursement Expense Reports
The application for non-educational funds must be initiated and completed by the local education agency (LEA). The application process requires collaboration between the LEA and the local Community Resource Coordination Group (CRCG) to determine other resources for meeting the needs of the child and their family. Non-educational payments for services must occur between those dates.

Additional information is available on the TEA Non-educational Community-Based Support Services page.