Child Find (Timely Initial Evaluation)
Child Find is a legal requirement for local education agencies (LEAs) to identify all children who have disabilities and who may be entitled to special education services. The requirement covers every student from birth through age 21.
Agencies must evaluate any child that it knows or suspects may have a disability. Identifying these kids is an important first step toward getting them the help they need to succeed in school.
Reporting Requirements
State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 11 is related to Child Find and measures the “percent of children with parental consent to evaluate who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 days (or State established timelines).” This is a compliance indicator, and data is collected and reported by the district/charter to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) through the TEA Login (TEAL) System.
State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 12 is related to Early Childhood Transition and measures the “percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an individual education program (IEP) developed and implemented by their third birthdays.” This is a compliance indicator, and data is collected and reported by the district/charter to TEA through the TEA Login (TEAL) System.
SPP Indicators 11 and 12 are a single application within the TEAL System. Child Find materials are available to assist districts in locating children in their attendance areas who may be suspected of having a disability requiring special education services.
Child Find Resources
For more information, contact Robin Hudson, Special Education Specialist, at or 817-740-3603.