Blind and Visually Impaired
The Special Education Component for Visually Impaired (VI) Services is designed to provide technical assistance, training, and other related supportive services to regional programs serving identified students with visual impairments ages birth to 22. The specialist initiates and coordinates activities with local districts, which results in a collaborative, comprehensive regional plan for services for the visually impaired.
Technical Assistance and Staff Development
Assistance is provided to school districts, parents, teachers, university students, teacher aides, Braille transcribers, orientation and mobility specialists, diagnosticians, supervisors, administrators, other personnel working with students with visual impairments. Technical assistance and staff development services are available in the following categories:
- Age and individually appropriate instructional methodologies
- Curriculum development and modification
- Disease and syndrome technical assistance
- ECI/VI MOU technical assistance
- Educators of Students with Visual Impairments
- Federal and state rules and regulations
- Liaison between schools and other service agencies
- Listservs and additional web links pertaining to Blindness and Visual Impairments
- Orientation and mobility technical assistance
- Program evaluation and improvement
- Regional planning for services for the visually impaired
- Resources for educators of students with visual impairments
- Selection and utilization of adaptive materials and technology
- University Professional Preparation Program
Staff Development Opportunities Include:
- State-wide training
- On-site training
- Regional workshops
- Regional meetings
- University extension programs
Specialized Equipment and Materials Special equipment is made available to students through their school districts and educators of students with visual impairments on a long-term loan basis. These include items such as closed-circuit TVs (CCTV), braille production units, braille electronic devices, adapted computers, low vision aids, textbooks, magnifying kits, vision simulators, monoculars, etc.
The specialist recommends or provides technical assistance in selecting appropriate equipment for student use. When it is determined that a student needs a device at home, the specialist coordinates efforts with other service agencies in locating funds and devices.
Forms & Resources
Assistive Technology / Equipment Request for Students with Visual Impairments - The technology request form for obtaining equipment for students with visual impairments
Annual Registration of Students with Visual Impairments - The VI Registration includes all students who receive services from your district as a student with visual impairments. This count includes students under the age of 3 served by your district and ECI, students who are deafblind, as well as those with visual impairment and additional disabilities.