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Special Programs

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The ESC Region 11 Special Education Department is dedicated in helping parents, administrators, and educators understand how to best meet the needs of students with learning emotional or cognitive disabilities.

The Special Programs department provides support to our local education agencies (LEAs) in the areas of special education, 504, and dyslexia.

Resources are continuously added as updates are received regarding federal and state guidelines.

Connecting people and services for success is what we do best — have you called ESC Region 11?Our department has been awarded a statewide grant that provides technical assistance, resources, and training for the Special Education Specialized Supports Grant to any local education agency (LEA) in the state.

Special Programs Services

Visit the various services and programs that comprise the ESC Region 11 Special Programs Department.

Our Leadership Team

Our Special Programs Team offers quarterly and monthly newsletters highlighting a range of services. Get the latest news delivered to your inbox by signing up for one of our listservs.

Michael Pogue

Director of Special Programs

Anne Darr

Special Programs Coordinator

Annissa Macon

Special Programs Coordinator

Brandy Pustejovsky

Special Programs Coordinator