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National Board Certification

teacher in class

ESC Region 11 is excited to offer the opportunity for teachers to obtain National Board Certification. Selected candidates will begin their engagement in our National Board Certification Cohort (NBCC). ESC Region 11 will offer this program in partnership with ESC Region 10.

The 2024 cohort has already been formed. Email us for more information about our next cohort.

National Board Certification is the most respected professional certificate available in education and provides numerous benefits for teachers, students, and schools. It was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. To learn more, visit the National Board Certification site.

What does the research say? Studies have shown that National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) have been shown to positively impact student achievement, and those impacts are even more pronounced for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. To learn more about what the research says, review this impact brief from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

National Board Certification and TIA - Eligible National Board Certified Teachers may earn a recognized designation and generate an allotment for their district in April following their successful certification. Learn more on the TEA Teacher Incentive Allotment page.

Joining the Cohort

The National Board Certification process is, as it should be, rigorous. Our small, select cohort will give you support and guidance to enrich your experience and help you navigate each component. We will pair you with a mentor who has already successfully completed certification in your content area and engage in monthly cohort meetings that focus on the process as well as the learning with facilitators who care about your success.

We will guide you through components one and three in the first year, two and four in the second year, and offer an optional third year of support if you need it. National Board is an investment of time, money, and energy; the Region 11 cohort is an investment in you.

All cohort meetings are remote, so you will never have to travel to Region 11 or anywhere else to participate.

Eligibility Guidelines

To pursue certification, you must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree
  • Three years of classroom or school counselor experience (by the end of NBCT certification)
  • A valid Texas teaching license
  • Be a school teacher, counselor, or librarian

There are 25 different areas you can choose to certify. It’s important you reflect on which area is right for you, as you will be asked to demonstrate and collect evidence related to the certificate you choose to pursue. Choosing the Right Certificate: Information by Certificate Area

Program Costs

Region 11 Cohort Support Fee - $2250

  • Includes two years of support from your NBCT mentor
  • Summer Conference
  • NBCT "book study" orientation (6 hours)
  • Ten monthly cohort meetings each year (3 hours each)
  • Support for two component submissions each year

Region 11 Payment Options | Option 1: Pay $2250 in full Option 2: Pay 50% upfront, pay remaining in four monthly payments
(Payments can be made by check, money order, credit card, or payroll deduction)

National Board Fee - $75 Registration Fee; $475 Per Component Fee

  • Components can be purchased and paid for separately, at any time prior to the registration deadline for each assessment cycle
  • Candidates should only purchase the components they are planning to complete during the assessment cycle they select.

National Board Payment Options | Payment is made directly to the National Board; payment plans are available\

2024 Cohort Syllabus

For all cohort sessions, view the 2024-25 Syllabus. (All cohort meetings are remote.)

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about National Board Certification Cohort (NBCC), contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Nancy Donahoo

Administrator Coach - Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

Dr. Jeff Smith

Administrator Coach - TIL