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Data Management (Resources)

"You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data." - Daniel Keys Moran

DMAC Solutions

DMAC solutions logo

DMAC Solutions offers a suite of web-based tools developed at the Region 7 Education Service Center. The applications provided by DMAC exist to supply Texas educators with the tools and services necessary to develop and improve the quality of education provided to students.


Eduphoria logo

Eduphoria is a suite of online tools to help you manage assessments, curriculum, staff development & evaluation, facilities, and more. These tools not only adapt to the needs of educators, it also provides a collaborative platform for them to use.

Mastery Item Bank

Mastery Instructure Logo

Mastery Item Bank by Instructure is a comprehensive collection of over 98,000 standards-based assessment items designed to support K–12 educators in creating high-quality formative assessments.


TEKSBank logo

TEKSbank questions are designed based on an in-depth analysis of the TEKS, the STAAR released items and assessment best practices. The questions can be used by teachers and administrators to build assessments in an online application.

ESC Region 11 Contact

For more information about Data Resources, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Margo Nottingham

Leadership and Support Coordinator

Dr. Amanda Edmonson

Administrator Coach - State & Federal Accountability

Dr. Tammy Riemenschneider

Administrator Coach - Regional Assessment