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  • Educator Prep Program Transfer Form
  • Eligible to Hire List - Do you need teachers? GoTeach11 has excellent candidates who will be ready for their Intern/Probationary Certificate when school starts in the fall. On this list, you will find our candidates, their certification area, their contact information, and the type of certificate for which each will be eligible.
  • Canvas
  • GoTeach 11 Handbook - Find requirements for program admittance and completion
  • Foreign Transcript Evaluation Application

Certificates Requiring the Science of Teaching Reading

Background Checks

Candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator and/or prior to clinical teaching.

GoTeach11 does not offer an advisory opinion on one’s criminal history; however, under recent legislation (HB963-Guillen) SBEC is required to issue, upon request, a criminal history evaluation letter to persons contemplating entering a profession requiring a license. This will help individuals to determine if they would likely be denied a license/certification because of the criminal histories.

For additional information please contact SBEC Customer Service
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm CST
(512) 936-8400 local;
(888) 863-5880 toll free

Other Helpful Links and Information

Credit for Military Service Member or Military Veteran 

Candidates in the Texas Alternative Certification Program or the Texas Post-Baccalaureate Program who are current military service members or military veteran candidates may receive credit towards the required training or education hours for Educator Preparation Program (EPP) completion provided that the military service, training, or education is directly related to the certificate being sought.

To request a review for transfer of military service, training, or education hours, please submit a formal request to Your request should include your certification class (Teacher, Principal, or Superintendent) and documentation of the service, training, or education that you would like considered. Some examples of acceptable documentation include course descriptions, certificates of completion, etc. The program coordinator will review your request. A decision will be provided to you in writing.

For information about the performance of the program, visit the TEA Performance Indicators for EPPs. For information regarding issues or complaints against this educator preparation program, you may visit the TEA website.