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Assessment and Accountability

Students in a classroom taking a test

The ESC Region 11 Assessment and Accountability Team supports campuses and districts by delivering relevant information and training on both required and optional assessments provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

We offer technical assistance and training sessions for district test coordinators (DTCs) across the region. Accessing student performance and evaluating the effectiveness of instruction are essential. The Texas Assessment program consists of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), STAAR Alternate 2, the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), and TELPAS Alternate. Both federal and state laws require these assessments.
TEA provides optional resources such as STAAR Interim Assessments and the Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR). These tools are available at no cost to Texas school districts. These assessments offer valuable formative assessment and benchmarking opportunities.

Professional Learning Opportunities

Success is truly a team effort. Our goal is to lead and serve to ensure that educators are well-informed and prepared. School success requires a collective effort from dedicated district leaders, administrators, and teachers.

Our team stays informed on the latest updates from the TEA in the areas of state and federal accountability. We provide professional development, tailored training, and coaching to campus and district leaders in their pursuit of improved school performance.

Assessment Professional Learning       Accountability Professional Learning     

Assessment and Accountability

Data Reporting Compliance

State Assessments

ESC Region 11 Contact

Our goal is to lead and serve to ensure that educators are well informed and prepared. For more information about Assessment and Accountability, contact the following ESC Region 11 staff member(s).

Dr. Amanda Edmonson

Administrator Coach - State & Federal Accountability

Dr. Tammy Riemenschneider

Administrator Coach - Regional Assessment