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Taking Teachers and Leadership to the Next Level

Instructional leadership is more than operations and evaluations. ELEVATE from ESC Region 11 will give you and your team the tools and support to make instructional feedback powerful and effective while growing a culture of continuous growth and student achievement.

ELEVATE is a partnership approach to improving both teacher evaluation and administrative support. Starting with a summer calibration and feedback training, your leadership team will collaborate on what evaluation should look like across your campus so that your appraisal data is reliable. One of the most powerful aspects of teacher appraisal is the post-conference, and ELEVATE will give you tools and practice so that your feedback to teachers will be high-leverage, practical, and welcomed.

Just after the beginning of each semester, the ESC Region 11 ELEVATE coach will visit your campus and help your leadership team conduct calibration walkthroughs and debriefings. Calibration is an essential part of Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) data collection, and even if you’re not ready for TIA yet, calibration will ensure that your appraisals are fair and done with fidelity. Plus, you’ll be set for success when you are ready to join the rapidly growing number of districts that are seeking to retain and reward classroom excellence with additional funding for teacher salaries.

ELEVATE also offers added support for districts that will be using Student Learning Objectives as their student growth measure and TIA data point. We will provide the initial training and then conduct labs to guide your team through each step of the process.

ELEVATE is for every campus leader who knows student growth begins with improvement in the classroom. We provide the tools, coaching strategies, practice, and calibration support that will help you take your teachers — and your leadership — to the next level.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions regarding ELEVATE, contact Jeff Smith.