SPED/CTE Finance

Posted by Lisa Harrison on 2/24/2021

Q: Can a student qualify for SPED and CTE funding?

School Finance Response: Yes, a student could qualify for weighted funding if they receive both special education services and take approved CTE courses. 

Reason: The Foundation School Program (FSP) has a system of weighting that delivers additional funding services to students with certain characteristics. The regular program has a weight of 1.00 and this entitlement provides the bulk of the non-categorical costs for general operations. Career and technology education and special education have full-time equivalent (FTE) replacement weights. These weights apply only to the hours students are enrolled in the program, and the FTE attendance is subtracted before the regular program allocation is calculated. The special education mainstream weight is an exception (not an FTE replacement, but an add-on to the regular program cost for the student).