About Us

  • The ESC Region 11 Business Center provides technical assistance and training to school districts and charter schools in the area of finance and business services. We provide full-service accounting, payroll, benefits, summary of finance, and budgeting support resulting in cost savings to our clients.  

    For member school districts and charter schools, the Business Center assumes the role of corporate controller and maintains the general ledger on a computerized accounting system. This system keeps track of all accounting functions within full compliance of the Texas Education Agency's Financial Accountability Resource Guide. The Business Center uses a costing method that incorporates clustering school districts and charter schools into an efficient processing model, built on efficiency, compliance, effectiveness, and reporting.

    You can contract with us at the Business Center in many different ways. Whether it be for consulting, basic services, or advanced services, we want to tailor a specific program designed with you in mind! Click here to learn more about how we can serve you.